Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How Much? For a Dead Tree!

Posted belatedly from the December News Letter:

So, I piled the kids out of the truck at our local Christmas tree lot and we navigated around myriad puddles (except for my 2 year old who determined to detonate every gritty puddle he could locate) on our way to a couple of guys who looked like they might be in charge. "Trees Starting At $19.95," the sign had advertised, attracting my 13 year old daughter's attention. We faced off against the attendants, uncertain if we were standing in the right place - one of us would break the silence.

"So... do those colored tags indicate the price?" I finally asked.

"Nope. The trees are $10 a foot," drawled the now helpful elf, coming to life. I stifled a gasp. He handed out peppermints to the kids.

I fingered the two $20 bills in my pocket, looked down at 4 pair of expectant eyes, and quickly did the math. Maybe $40 had been a little optimistic. This tree was certainly going to fit in the back of the truck.

It's a good thing a successful Christmas season isn't determined by either the size of the Christmas tree or the amount you spend on it.

I hope you find some time this Christmas season to put aside the chaos, the reserve studies, budgets, and special assessments - and appreciate the blessings of Christmas.

The kids don't really care how big or ugly or expensive the tree happens to be, and your customers and vendors (grouchy though they may be) probably have a little kid left in them - just itching to respond to a healthy dose of Christmas cheer.

There's a lot going well out there; a lot to be thankful for. Let's all take a moment and breathe in the blessings.

Now share them.

That's the spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas from UPSI.

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